Terry Jones (I will not call him 'Pastor') is an example of someone taking the name of the Lord in vain. To call yourself a Christian and then do the opposite of what Christ represents and in fact demonstrated when He was on the earth is taking His name in vain. It is comparable to the Pharisee's, the self-righteous religious fanatics that put Jesus on a cross. Terry Jones does not speak for Christians and he surely does not represent Jesus Christ.
Terry Jones should not call himself a Christian. What he has done and is doing has nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Jesus said to "love your neighbor" and Jesus said "pray for your enemies". Jesus came to save sinners. Jesus was sent to save people and not condemn them. While Jesus was being crucified on a cross, with nails through his hands and feet, he said "Father forgive them for they know not what they do".
Terry Jones can be forgiven for his ignorant acts of hatred but he should be put in jail for provoking these murders and hostilities.
I predict karma will come back to bite him. He represents the "Ugly American" who, unfortunately makes the rest of us look bad too.