This morning I read the account of Joseph and Mary leaving Jerusalem only to find out later that their son Jesus was not in there group. They had been traveling all day with their friends and relatives and had to go all the way back to find him. It took them 3 days to find him. Like any good parents in their situation, Mary and Joseph were frantic and worried about their son. Just think of the thoughts that were racing through their minds for those 3 days. Jesus was only 12 years old and they could not find him. He was in a big city. So big that it took them 3 full days to find him. When they found him Mary said, "Jesus, why have you done this, don't you know your Father and I have been frantically searching for you?" And Jesus said, "Why have you been searching for me, didn't you know I would be at my Father's House?"
Jesus said, "Why did you search for me?" For Mary and Joseph, that had an obvious answer. Any good parent would say "I searched for you because you are my son and I love you and I want to make sure you are safe". Jesus was being sincere with his answer, he was not being disrespectful with his answer. But I want to pose the same question to you and me, "Why did you search for me (Jesus)?" Why did you search for Jesus?
What caused you to search for Jesus? How did you find Him? Did you look at his Father's House? Where did you find Him? Are you searching for Him today? Are you looking for Him today?
Lets make it our goal today to search for Him. We will search for Him today because we need Him, we love Him and He loves us. We want to please Him, to follow Him, to worship Him, to honor Him. We will search for Jesus today because, as Peter said, "you have the words of eternal life". We search for you today Lord Jesus because You are the word made flesh, the first and the last, the light of the World, the Lamb of God, the soon and coming King, the Creator of this World, the Messiah, the only begotten son, God with us, and our Prince of Peace.
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